
Additional Features in Material and Surface Treatment Forms

The value fields in the material and surface treatment forms have been extended to include additional options.

It is now possible to enter a name, a short string, and a naming for materials in the forms. In the surface treatment form, it is possible to assign a name and a short string. These different designators are helpful in the case that a material is to be named differently internally, e.g., oak 3 m2 plate, but in the external customer form, the material should only appear with a shorthand, e.g., oak.

This makes it possible to customise forms even more and adjust them to the specific customer needs. Furthermore, more precise cost calculations are also simplified.

The value fields in the material forms have been extended to include additional options in Compass Software.
The value fields in the material forms have been extended to include additional options in Compass Software.
The value fields in the surface treatment forms have been extended to include additional options in Compass Software.
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