
Posts with Support

It is now possible to draw posts with support in Compass Software. These are posts that seem to go through the tread visually, but consist of 2 separate parts.

The post is drawn on top of the tread and the support is built below the tread. The staircase will then look as if the post is going through the tread. However, the two parts are completely separated by the tread. 

Via the predefinitions, it is possible to automatically assign drilling patters above and below the tread for this function. Alternatively, it is possible to set the drillings manually during the design process in the post properties. 

Pfosten mit Stütze
Compass Software
Compass Software
Compass Software
Compass Software
Compass Software
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Pfosten mit Stütze
Compass Software
Compass Software
Compass Software
Compass Software
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