
Ticket System Extended: Direct Request to Dealers

International Compass Software customers who are supported by a local dealer can now submit service requests directly to their dealer through the Compass ticket system.

Customers serviced by a local dealer can now submit service tickets directly to their dealer.  We have extended our online ticket form, which can be accessed directly from Compass Software via the question mark in the toolbar or online.

The advantages at a glance:

  1. Efficient tracking: Each request is assigned to a unique ticket.
  2. Transparent communication: All messages and information are stored in a central system.
  3. Categorization of requests: The user can pre-select which area the request falls into.
[Translate to Englisch:] Ticketsystem Compass Software

How to use our ticket system:

Click on the black question mark next to "Window" in Compass Software.

Select "Service request via the Internet".

You will be redirected to your default browser and the ticket form will open. The necessary information (customer number etc.) is already entered in this form. You are welcome to add any missing or incorrect information. Describe the subject of your request in the text field provided.

One big request: Please always attach the stair file or, for CNC requests, your machine in CS format. This saves inquiries.

After submitting the request, your local dealer will receive the ticket including all attachments. A copy will be sent to the Compass Software Support, so that all files are also available there. Your dealer will then process your request and give you feedback, if necessary with the support of the Compass Software service team.

Compass Software service request
Compass Software ticket system
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