General Software

Trainee Hong Tram Pham Completes Apprenticeship Half a Year Early

Our trainee Hong Tram Pham has completed her apprenticeship to become an IT Specialist with a Focus on Application Development half a year early in late January.

We are proud of Hong and congratulate her to this great accomplishment.

Hong’s final project was the development of a new function in the CAD free form construction. There is now a new option “clip”, which allows users to cross two lines, arches, or a combination of a line and arch and then clip the lines at the intersection. The user can choose whether to clip the lines/arches sharp or rounded. This is a great help for users who previously had to manually elongate and shorten lines/arches to achieve a this effect. The function can be found in the general free form construction menu or can be activated with the shortcut B or Shift + B.

Hong has always been a committed and strong member of our development team and was able to gain a lot of valuable knowledge from her time as a trainee. We wish her only the best for the future.

Hong Tram Pham Completes Apprenticeship Half a Year Early
There is now a new option “clip”, which allows users to cross two lines, arches, or a combination of a line and arch and then clip the lines at the intersection.
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