The Implementation: Efficient Stair Manufacturing with Robot and Nesting
The family owned and operated stair builder Nya ATAB Trappan AB was founded more than 90 years ago in Sweden. ATAB has been using Compass Software for the design and manufacturing of staircases since 1997. Today, ATAB produces approx. 55 staircases per week with 4 CNC machine, two of which are loaded fully automatically with robots. The two standard 5-axis processing centers that are loaded by robots, are equipped with automatic vacuum cups and clamp positioning and can be utilized for unmanned production during night shifts.
During the course of the last 15 years, the stair builder has achieved an increase in efficiency by a threefold through the implementation of modern technologies and optimization strategies. To achieve these goals, ATAB relies on the close cooperationg with Compass Software. The stair builder hires Compass Software several times a year to conduct optimization coachings. The resulting concepts are implemented and lead to significant savings.
The Benefits:
- Between 2002 - 2017 sales per employee increased from 80,000 € to at least 200,000 €
- 5% material savings in the year 2017: ca. 100,000 € saved
- Time savings through the software program in the same year: ca 60,000 €
- Internal projection for future utilization of Nesting for tread production: ca. 8% additional material savings
- General benefits: Savings in time and costs, flexible response to shortages of skilled labor, wider range of products and higher production capacity, production reliability, and flexibility

The experience with Compass Software is on a significantly higher level compared to other software solutions. The developments are further and more innovative than those of the competition […] We are absolutely satisfied!
Lennart Jonsson - Owner