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Compass Software Records Best Fiscal Year in Its Company History

Compass Software, leading provider of staircase construction software, can proudly look back on the last year. 2015 was the most successful year in company history to this date. The software company’s annual revenue was increased by ca. 24 percent.

The company has invested the proceeds of its favorable order position in new staff, in order to better manage and service the growing demands and increasing inquiries by customers. Likewise, the company is making headway in regards to the establishment of their new subsidiary in the U.S. One of their employees has been available for customers locally in Atlanta, GA since April. Furthermore, the U.S. daughter has also employed its first service technician, who is currently being trained at the company headquarters in Germany.

[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Compass Software meldet bestes Geschäftsjahr der Firmengeschichte.
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Detlef Hollinderbäumer, Geschäftsführer der Compass Software GmbH.

We are without a doubt the number one when it comes to staircase construction software. We are the one setting the standard for the whole industry. However, we do not rest on our forerunner image; instead we are committed every day to work hard in order to ensure our competitive advantage. We are constantly developing ourselves and attack new challenges, such as extending our scope in the field of timber construction. Here we are able to apply the long standing experience and know-how we have gathered with staircase construction in a new way. This year we want to exceed the major success we have had in 2015 and we would like to thank our customers for the many years of loyalty and trust, as well as our staff for their outstanding achievements.

Detlef Hollinderbaeumer, CEO of Compass Software GmbH

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