
Online Training at Compass Software

Much of Compass Software’s training has been taking place online for some time now. This affords participants extra flexibility.

Just like many other companies, Compass Software had to shift some of its operations online, during the COVID pandemic. Since then, many customers have become accustomed to our online service. Training and optimization coaching are regularly conducted online these days. This affords the customers extra flexibility because it is oftentimes easier to schedule an appointment spontaneously and it is possible to save on time and travel expenses. Depending on the customer’s needs, the training can be booked by the hour or divided over several weeks.

Additionally, it is possible to record training lessons so that customers are able to go back and look up details in the training video at any time.

If you would like to schedule a training with us, online or on-site, do not hesitate to contact our support anytime.

Online Training at Compass Software